
Multipupose Seating

The selection of the material for the cushions involved hard wearing materials which wouldn't tear and could easily be cleaned but would also fit into the minimalist design. Oak was used partially because of the contrast to the material but primarily due to its hard wearing properties which will ensure that the sofa will survive the test of time.


Comb joints were used on the framing as the only sort of decoration, whilst not being overly fancy they provide a aesthetically pleasing look. The overall style and design is quite conservative and stripped back which helps it fit into a variety of modern houses.

The sofa was a long time coming, the original idea came early 2016 and slowly evolved into the final product. Designed to be able to work as a sofa for everyday use but also spacious enough to be used as a bed for when people come to visit. In short the sofa was designed to suit your needs and fit into the busy and ever changing lifestyles of students and young proffesionals.


Peter Elder Designs